Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Turning into SUCH a big girl!

I can't even believe how much of a big girl Alana is nowadays! She talks ALL THE TIME. Her language is getting more and more clear, and she has even been speaking in sentences, too. As in, "Mama, need a cook-cook." (That's cookie in Alana speak). I am amazed at how much she understands and talks. It seems like everyday she is saying something new. I have a feeling she will keep us on our toes for a LONG time to come!!!

I am still in shock that she seems more like a little kid than a baby nowadays. We recently got her a little table and chair set which she LOVES. Of course, it's Elmo! And Zoe! What could be better. She sits at it to color, read, or eat cook-cooks. We also removed some of the bins that were making me insane due to the clutter, and replaced them with a closed toybox and a little book shelf. She was so excited about all the changes to her toys she was running around like a mad woman (though that is fairly typical!).

Loving the outdoors!

Alana is a total outdoors girl. She would spend every minute outside if we let her. Though we never even thought about it when we bought our house--we are SO happy to have a park right across the street. She pretty much regulates and goes there multiple times a day. I am going to have to find her more classes or maybe 2 year old preschool to go to this winter, because I think she is going to go nuts being inside so much!!!! Here are some pics of her at the park this weekend.

As you can tell, she is pretty fearless. She loves to climb on everything and is super active, running all over. She gets SO excited to play with other kids and needs to pretty much give everybody a hug. I, of course, get a little anxious when the bigger kids bump her a bit--but she can pretty much handle herself. She is turning into SUCH a big girl!

barely letting Dad help: She LOVES to go down the slide backwards

Sunday, August 16, 2009

putting on daddy's socks...

alana is pretty hilarious and is always doing some random thing! the other day, she decided she had to put erik's socks on and she was laughing non-stop. she definitely keeps us laughing!!!

Wedding in Denver

A few weeks ago we packed up and headed to my cousin Joey McGrew's wedding in Denver. We had a great time! Alana was quite a sport at the reception, staying up til all hours. She got a little cranky and needed her pacifier, but suddenly she got her second wind and was seriously dancing. It was so hilarious. She is quite a dance machine!!!! Now we just need to break her of her pacifier...that is going slowly.....

it was surprisingly cold that night...thankfully i broght her jean jacket!!!

Up to lots of stuff!

Lately our lives have slowed down a bit, but I have been totally slacking on the blog again! We went on vacation in July, and have been keeping pretty low-key since then. Alana is doing great! She is a playful girl and LOVES that play with dolls and has a new baby stroller she uses to push her babies all over the place. We put the babies to sleep, wrap them in blankets & walk them all over the place. She is always up to something new!!!
We've also had lots of visitors and are looking to catch up with more people!

Here she is with her twin babies, "baby" and "baby"
Playing with Uncle Kevin

This is her big cheesy smile...

Here she is pushing her babies around.

One of her fav words is "sit" which really sounds like "seat". Papa was the latest person to fall victim to being forced to sit somewhere random!