Friday, February 11, 2011

Blizzard of 2011

I don't think these pictures really do the blizzard justice!!!  Luckily, I was able to escape DC and get back home so that Grandma was not solo with the gals while Erik was trapped in Portland.  The snow was absolutely crazy, I have not seen anything like that in some time!  I think we got over 20 inches when all was said and done.  Alana and I braved the cold and shoveled.  She was a trooper....for about 20 minutes.  Then she decided she was too cold and I lost my shovel buddy!  I also had to dig us out of 4+ foot drifts in our alley.  What an adventure!!!!

Sierra at 6 months!

Hard to believe that Miss Sierra is already 6 months old.  She continues to be the happiest baby I have ever seen.  She is also the fidgety-ist!!!  She is ready to get moving, probably so she can chase after her sister!!  At 6 months, she was a petite 14 lb. 3 oz and 25 inches.  She's had a couple nasty illnesses, but she is still doing good.  It is funny to compare her and Alana, who was 16 lb. 11 oz. at Sierra's age!  Sierra is such a little peanut.  She LOVES to eat baby food, and still drinks her bottles slowly and rarely ever finishes them.  She sits up well and we are trying to put her on her belly plenty so she can get ready to crawl.  I am amazed at how focused she's like you can see her mind working.  Alana is SO great with her, honestly, I think she gets better every day.  She's such a little mom!!!