Sunday, July 31, 2011

san diego trip

Earlier this month we took a family trip to San Diego.  It was a blast!  We've taken both kids to FL, but we had my family there, so this was our first jaunt as a family of 4.  It was an adventure for a few days as Sierra had to adjust to the time zone, but she got into the groove and we had a great time.  We stayed in a gorgeous house in carmel valley, which was awesome.  alana slept in a different room for the first few nights.  She's quite unaccustomed to so much space!!

she sure is a trooper with dining out!!!

 dad feednig alana dessert at the san diego zoo.

alana getting her face painted for the very first time at the zoo.  it was the highlight of the trip for her!  she kept asking if we could go back and do it again.

the house we stayed in was not totally set up for kids, so we wisely bought a baby pool that the girls ended up in every morning.  

we had dinner at a gorgeous restaurant on the ocean so we decided to put our feet in after dinner.  it was hilarious as the waves came up way higher than expected.  it was sierra's first touch of the ocean and she loved it.  she was soaked but screaming with excitement.  the waves came up at her pretty high, but she was not even remotely scared.  she's a little dare devil.

alana and dad rockin at pacific beach.  such a gorgeous day there!!!

our ONE family photo down in Old Town on Erik's birthday.  at least we got one!!

me attempting to stop sierra from eating sand.  she's not thrilled!


Alana has given herself a nickname....Ananies.  She will actually talk about herself in 3rd person and call herself Ananies.  It's fairly hilarious.

"Ananies" is so jazzed about Sierra turning 1.  She keeps asking if this means she can play "rough" with Sierra.  You'd think we have two boys around here....but for the huge amount of pink and purple.  She is wonderful with Sierra and treats her like her baby, it's really sweet.  

Unlike her pixie little sister, Alana is a really tall gal.  I think she might have been blessed with her dad's tall genes.  She also has her dad's crazy personality and she is a complete goof ball.  I love how she makes everyone in the family laugh.  

Almost 1!!!

Clearly I am a little behind on my blogging!  We are T-2 days until Sierra's first birthday!  Hard to believe my baby girl turns 1 on Tuesday!!!!  Wow, these last few months have brought a ton of changes!!  She now has 3 teeth that have broken through, with a 4th close behind.  She is officially a walker as of about 2 weeks ago.  I love the wobbly walk she has!  I forgot how 1 year olds get into EVERYTHING!  She is quick and without a doubt into something if you give her the chance.  Sierra is so smiley and happy, though she has started to show a bit of a temper, especially if Alana tries to take something from her.  The other day, they had a screaming match.  It was like a preview of things to come!  

Sierra is still such a peanut.  I'll get her official one year stats at her appt next week, but I'd be surprised if she's over 17 pounds.  She is no where near moving out of 6-12 month clothes, which actually works out well with the seasons Alana was in at her age.  

Big Minnie Mouse birthday bash this weekend!!!  I'll be sure to post pics!!