Monday, May 26, 2008

More 6th Month Pics!

Alana has started to laugh more & more lately and it is pretty hilarious. Here she is laughing up a storm on our bed while I tried to snap some photos. Erik and I always laugh about her short fuse, but man, she is intolerant! We are working on making her more much as you can work on a 6 month old! Things have been crazy at work and I have been traveling a lot, so Alana & her dad have had lots of bonding time. Less than 2 months til it all slows down!

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Alana's Half Birthday!

Alana celebrated her 6 month old birthday on Thursday, May 22! She continues to be a very happy gal with a short fuse! Surprisingly I did not throw a party, but figured I did not want to get her expectations too high this early in her life!

We took her to the DR on Friday. She is officially 16 pounds, 11 ounces and 25.5 inches long. 50th percentile for height and head size....and 75th for weight. She is also eating more and more real food. She most recently tried pears and LOVED them. Have not found much she is unwilling to eat!

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Cold Mother's Day

Unfortunately Mother's Day was not only a cold & windy day outside, but Erik and I both had colds! What an outrage! Especially after I just got over laryngitis about a week ago! Luckily, Alana has stayed healthy and was a very good girl for her sick parents. We spent most of the day lounging around and since she loves to lounge too, it turned out to be a nice day for the 3 of us to just relax! The first picture was taken in the evening as we both started coming out of our head cold fog!

I have been traveling a lot lately as we get ready for trial. The bottom photo was taken by Erik while he was getting Alana's dinner ready. Apparently she was playing so hard with her little mat she ended up knocking it over & ended up wrapped in it. He said she didn't even cry. What a big girl!

baby burrito!
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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Visit with the Swansons

Alana got to visit with Aunt Linda & Uncle Roland this weekend at Grandma's. We haven't seen them since Christmas, so it was great to catch up as they stopped through on their way to see Eric & Sarah in Kentucky. I apparently took very few pictures, but here are a few fun ones.

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All Sorts of New Tricks

Alana is becoming quite the little monkey. Here she is in her bed pulling her toes into her mouth and rolling over. She didn't even get mad when she ended up on her belly! Still no signs of crawling, but she is excellent at sitting up and is slowly mastering rolling. She has toe chewing down, though!

photo credits to Grandma

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Monday, May 5, 2008

Roadtrip stopover in CP

On our way back to Chicago, we made a pit stop in Crown Town to give Alana some free time from her car seat (and also to let Mom & Dad take a nap). Here she is enjoying some sweet potatoes and playing!

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Alana sitting up!

Here are couple of photos from Alana during her first hotel visit while we were in Indy. She can sit up now, though we usually keep some pillows around her to help her sit up.

Crazy hair!

More crazy hair!
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Roadtrip to Indy--part 3

Erik ran the half marathon in 1:30:36. Tres impressive. He ran back & finished with Alicia too. We hung out with Alicia's twin sister Angela, Jenny Polk and Josh and watched Alicia finish. She was on fire and came flying into the finish line!
Alana sporting Dad's medals!

The runners--Erik, Alicia & Cameron

Alana & one of her fav gals--Alicia!
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Roadtrip to Indy--part 2

Here she is getting ready to watch Dad regulate the half marathon. She slept almost the entire time Erik was running and woke up toward the end as we got to see him cross the finish line. Here she is having some breakfast.

Run, Dad, Run--here' s Erik about 0.1 mile before the finish line!

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Road Trip to INDY--part 1

Alana took her first real roadtrip this weekend to Indianapolis to watch Dad run the half marathon. Here are some pictures of her and Erik at McDonalds for a pit stop. She was really good in the car and pretty much slept the majority of the time. The bottom picture is of her right as she was waking up on Saturday AM for the race. That is some serious bed head!!!

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And her First Chicago Fire game!

A couple days after her first Cubs game, Alana went to her first Fire game! Unfortuately Denis had to run to another match so we could not see him, but that did not keep us from cheering him on! It got a little warm out, so we watched the second half of the match from inside. Sadly, the Fire lost to the Kansas City Wizards. We can't wait for the next game to watch Denis & the Fire be victorious!!!! Thanks again to the Jackie Club for the awesome tickets!!!!

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Alana's First Cubbies game!

On great night in mid April, Alana got to experience her first Cubbies game! She is sporting her official Cubs onesie under her white sweatshirt. It was a little windy, so she had to wear her Pooh hat too. I tried to match the red onesie and the pink hat by using her multi colored socks. Anyway! She was quite the hit with those sitting near us and was smiling at everyone until she fell asleep for about 3 innings, despite the loud noise.Zambrano was on the mound and the Cubbies were victorious! So far, she is 1 and 0 for the season!

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