Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Cold Mother's Day

Unfortunately Mother's Day was not only a cold & windy day outside, but Erik and I both had colds! What an outrage! Especially after I just got over laryngitis about a week ago! Luckily, Alana has stayed healthy and was a very good girl for her sick parents. We spent most of the day lounging around and since she loves to lounge too, it turned out to be a nice day for the 3 of us to just relax! The first picture was taken in the evening as we both started coming out of our head cold fog!

I have been traveling a lot lately as we get ready for trial. The bottom photo was taken by Erik while he was getting Alana's dinner ready. Apparently she was playing so hard with her little mat she ended up knocking it over & ended up wrapped in it. He said she didn't even cry. What a big girl!

baby burrito!
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