Monday, June 9, 2008

Getting Into Everything!

After avoiding tummy time for her first 6 months, Alana is now rolling and propping up on her hands and knees. She is now doing some scooting, though mostly backwards. She reaches for everything (of course, to put it in her mouth!) and does not get (too) upset when she is on her belly.
She is getting better and better about sleeping too. She is at about 2-3 naps a day, sometimes as long as 2 hours each. She is going to bed around 8:30 or 9pm. It usually takes about 5 minutes or so, and then she goes right to sleep. I don't have the will power to let her cry it out, so it usually takes one replacement of the pacifier and she is fast asleep. Usually the only time she gets really frazzled is when she flips over to her belly and can't figure out how to get back. This am, we found her on her belly! Hopefully the belly action will become less and less traumatizing!

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