Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What an exhausting day!

After our photo shoot in the onesie, I finally got her dressed and she looks like she is wiped out! Her feet look so huge in this pic!!!

More 11 month faces.

Ok, face overload pics from today, but the pics in the last 3 posts were all taken in a span of about 30 minutes. She is quite the character. The last couple pics look like she is mad!!

More crazy faces...

As I mentioned, Alana is quite silly girl and makes all sorts of crazy faces, here are just a few more I caught today with the camera.
Oh, and clearly we have not yet decided what to do about the hair! I am trying to train it to part to the side, but when she really gets moving, it usually looks like this:

11 months old today!

Poor little bugaboo has had quite a cold lately and is ringing in her 11th month today a bit under the weather! She is getting better, though, so hopefully we are on upswing of her cold!
At 11 months, Alana is saying Mama and Dada (sometimes...though she loves to tease her Dad by calling him Mama). She mimics Erik and the crazy noises he makes, points, claps and has some SERIOUS conversations with her Pooh Bears. She continues to be a VERY happy gal with a slightly short fuse! She still has her big gummy smile, though we are hoping some teeth poke through soon! Alana stands like a pro, will walk a few steps on her own, though she is still primarily a crawler when she is busy...which is often! She is a real comedian and makes all sorts of crazy faces. Here are just a few she made today....
Hard to believe our little baby will be a 1 year old in a short month!!!

Alana Hearts Pooh, cont.

Alana continues to LOVE her Pooh Bears. She loves to roll around on the floor with them and uses them as pillows, too. It is way too cute the way she will fly across the room to snuggle with them. We are trying to find her a large stuffed Pooh chair for her birthday, but so far, we are striking out! Oh well, maybe another Pooh doll so she can snuggle up to the Three Poohs.

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Another Trip to the Zoo!

I took some time off last week since the last few weeks were terrible, so Alana and I trekked to the zoo with Grandma & Papa. Unlike our last trip to the zoo, Alana actually stayed awake most of the time. She absolutely LOVED the monkeys and, given the opportunity, I am certain she would have climbed right in with them!

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fun in October!

Alana can take up to 5 steps on her own now, though she is still primarily a crawler and crawls particularly when she has places she needs to go (which is often). She is such a busy gal nowadays and gets into everything she can. Just tonight, she pulled down the oven door...yikes! She is still a really happy baby and loves to hug and kiss (though they are often more like cheek licks)--especially Pooh Bear!!!

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A new favorite toy!

Late in September we bought Alana this little lion she could use him to walk around. She loves this guy and is SO serious when she gets moving with him. His nose lights up and a song plays when he starts moving. Whenever he stops, she will walk to the front and push his nose to start the signing again. Whatever keeps her moving!

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Marathon Sunday!

Alana woke up bright & early to check out her dad running in the marathon. She was SO good all day...I think she loved checking out all the people and being among all the excitement. Auntie Alicia, Grandma, Tyler, Nick and Calvin were also part of the cheering section! Erik did FABULOUS and finished in only 3:25! A personal best!!!
We are so proud of you!!!!! And, no one looks better in a foil cape!

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Music classes

We started taking Alana to these music classes at a place called Bubbles Academy. It is pretty hilarious, especially since all the kids don't seem to care much about the singing and activities and all the parents are sitting there doing these songs with sign language. Erik, of course, makes up his own words and we sit there laughing. At least Alana seems to love all the toys and playing with the other kiddies, even if her parents feel lame singing songs and walking around in circles!!!

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Walking Machine

Sorry for the lack of posts got MUCH too hectic, but lots of happenings! Earlier this month, Alana took her first solo steps! She looked so proud of herself and kind of in shock, too! I was not quick enough to get any pics of her walking, so I took a few to memorialize the day at least!!!!

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