Wednesday, October 22, 2008

11 months old today!

Poor little bugaboo has had quite a cold lately and is ringing in her 11th month today a bit under the weather! She is getting better, though, so hopefully we are on upswing of her cold!
At 11 months, Alana is saying Mama and Dada (sometimes...though she loves to tease her Dad by calling him Mama). She mimics Erik and the crazy noises he makes, points, claps and has some SERIOUS conversations with her Pooh Bears. She continues to be a VERY happy gal with a slightly short fuse! She still has her big gummy smile, though we are hoping some teeth poke through soon! Alana stands like a pro, will walk a few steps on her own, though she is still primarily a crawler when she is busy...which is often! She is a real comedian and makes all sorts of crazy faces. Here are just a few she made today....
Hard to believe our little baby will be a 1 year old in a short month!!!

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