Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Apparently Two Piglets Are Better Than One!

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Christmas toys!

I am still in shock over how many new toys came back to our house after Christmas! Aunt Kristi got Alana a new rocking horse, which she really loves. She is really proud of herself because she can hop on and dismount on her own.

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Cold days in January

Last Saturday we took Alana to a Children's Museum out in the burbs. We are trying to get creative with our outings since it is so cold outside! Alana had a great time and really enjoyed the museum. She especially loved the "Doll DayCare" exhibit and the water expo. Erik really enjoyed the little infant corners where he could stretch out.

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Saturday, January 3, 2009

All bundled up!

Best wishes to all fellow midwesterners to stay warm this winter...brrr, it is cold out.

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Happy New Year!

Thanks to Uncle Kevin & Aunt Alicia for spending NYE with us. Alana rocked it out until about 8:30pm. She thankfully slept all night while we played cards.
The last pic is Alana on New Year's Day. As of today, she is officially bottle free in 09!

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Alana loves the Hippo chair

Alana sure loves her new hippo chair. Tackling the hippo seems to be her new favorite activity, but she also loves to snuggle the hippo and read books on it. We are just waiting for her to flip the hippo over or something....

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Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas part 5...

Wow...this Christmas post is getting rather lengthy!!! So here are some pics of Alana in a dress that I wore when i was 3! I must have been a really small kid, because it fit her perfectly!!!!

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Christmas part 4

After round 1 of present opening, we headed to see Erik's grandparents in Frankfort. Alana had a blast walking through the house and opening even more gifts!

i think we woke her up from her nap too early!

crackers always solve the trauma!

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Christmas part 3

Just a few more of her opening her presents!

she is one expressive gal.

reading some new books!

He requested the undershirts....

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Christmas part 2

I knew that this large hippo chair was going to be a hit...thanks Grandma & Papa. Alana LOVES this chair and since Christmas, pretty much snuggles on it everyday. She is such a little dare devil too...she pretty much races across the room and dives on it. I am scared she has some of her dad's sense of adventure (or lack of fear...).

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Christmas part 1

Alana woke the house up bright and early at 7am. She had a GREAT time opening presents and was a real pro after her bday. As expected, she was generally more excited about the unwrapping process and the packaging, but when the dust settled, she had a great time playing with all her new toys. Despite our efforts to keep the gift giving "low key", we still went home with a MOUND of toys.

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Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve, we headed to church at St. James, then out to Indiana to hang with the folks. Alana was VERY good in church as usual, waving and smiling at everyone around her. She almost stole the snack cup of this kid behind us, thankfully Erik and I have quick hands and stopped her. Thankfully I remembered her snack cup...crisis averted!
Alana loved checking out all of Grandma's Christmas decorations. She pretty much toured the whole host and ran around like crazy until it was bed time.

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