Friday, January 2, 2009

Post-Christmas Blogging Catch-up!

Sorry to all who have complained that I have been a blogging slacker! I promise to be more on-the-ball in '09!

Here is a hilarious pic of Alana with her official Aurelio's (best pizza ever) t-shirt. Now I just need to get it posted at Aurelio's!

Alana was officially 13 months old in this pic. She is a full time walker/runner and a real riot to be around. She is always trying to make us laugh and breaks into serious bouts of laughter all the time. She is still a twice a day napper. I think she needs all that energy because when she is awake...she is all over! She loves to play with all her toys and pretty much goes through all of them all day long. She is adding some new words, slowly but surely. She does not do as much whispering as she used to. Around this time she was reading a book and said "Cat" (though it sounded more like Caaa, but good try!) at a cat picture!

She is interested in eating anything that is full of flavor...sounds like she will fit right in at our house! We are getting pretty close to no bottles and should be bottle free in 09!

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