Friday, February 27, 2009

Blogging slacker...again!

Sorry for slacking off the blog! Since joining facebook, I have, at least, been posting some photos there! Here is our big girl...hard to believe she is already 15 months old! She had her official check up last month and is 31" tall (50-75 percentile) and 21 lb 3 oz (25-50 percentile). She is not quite the chubs she used to be, but I think that is because she has had such a nasty cold. She is finally doing MUCH better and back to her old self. She is eating like a maniac too, so I am sure she will plump up a little more again!!!
We trekked to San Diego a few weeks ago and spent some time with the Phelans and Pooh Bear. Alana had a blast and has been SUCH a great flier! Hopefully that keeps up!!!! We had such a nice time just hanging out together.
She is talking more & more too. She still does the whisper talking a bunch, but is saying new words all the time. She has a lot of baby chatter convos with her toys and us. I came only imagine what is going to come out of her when she talks more! She has lots to say!

1 comment:

Sean and Sarah Galiher said...

We cannot wait to see you in few days Alana! Be prepared for total maddness. :)