Monday, July 20, 2009

It's been too long!

Hard to believe it's been APRIL since my last post! Slacker on the blog, but busy on other stuff! Alana is doing great, though! She is growing like a weed and definitely turning into a little girl so quickly. She calls all other little kids "baby" and we are pretty sure she does not think she's a baby. She wants to do everything herself and is saying more and more words everyday. My personal favorite is "No way." This is her response to requests to eat, interest in the potty, going to take a bath, etc. Pretty sure she knows what she is saying because I have never heard her say "No way" to a cookie (or "cook cook" as she calls it). We are having a blast with her and love seeing her turn into a little person. She is a very happy girl, but still has her temper! We are working on no hitting and no biting. Ouch.

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