Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy SECOND Birthday, Alana!!!

Well, Alana is officially TWO! She's been acting like she is two for months now, so glad it is finally her official age! She had a great "elmo" birthday party and loved opening all her presents. She was a bit shy at first and I think the attention overwhelmed her a bit. Amazing how all her shyness went away as soon as she opened presents and had cookies & cupcakes! At two, Alana talks all the time, is super expressive, loves to read & color, is a great mom to her babies and has a serious love of Elmo! She keeps us on our toes everyday!
She also had her two-year check up today. She is officially 34.25 inches tall (50-75th percentile) and 25 pounds (25-50th percentile). She completely remembered the doctor's office and pretty much started freaking out as soon as we walked out of the waiting room. At least she recovered quickly from her shots....I am sure the promise of ice cream helped!

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