Saturday, March 6, 2010

1st week of preschool!

So, I have no pictures of Alana's first week of preschool....because she would not let me take any. She acted like she was all embarassed of me taking pictures and she told me to "put away camera." She now attends Lakeshore Prep preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and it has been a BIT of an adjustment for her. The first day went ok, she got a little upset when I left, but I called the school (probably more than I should have....) and they said she was doing well. Thursday did NOT go so well. When I was about to leave, she threw up all over me and was sobbing. I felt SO awful, so I stayed for an hour to get her more comfortable. She was still upset when I left, and cried a bit when I got there, but the pick up went better. She has been saying all weekend that "Mommy comes back," so hopefully this means that she is more comfortable with the process now. CROSS your fingers for Tuesday!!!

1 comment:

Chris and Sonya said...

YOu can do it, Alana!! After two weeks you are going to LOVE preschool. Miss you baby girl!