Sunday, April 11, 2010


We had a lovely Easter! Spent the night at Grandma & Papa's on Saturday evening. Luckily the Easter Bunny found us! Alana was jazzed at all the goodies she scored from the Easter Bunny. She actually woke up at like 3am asking me if the Easter Bunny was there. Guess she was a little anxious. We went to church at my old church, St. Mary's, had brunch with the Pampels and celebrated Grandpa Howard's 91st birthday, and then went back to Grandma & Papa's. Unfortuantley, we were all still a bit under the weather, as we have been for weeks. I think we are all STARTING to get better, but man, this cold has been awful!!!

Alana LOVED wearing her Sparrow Hills design by my good friend, Michelle Andrighetto. Such amazing work!!


Sean and Sarah Galiher said...

Happy Easter Pampel fam!! Gorgeous as usual Alana. :)

Chris and Sonya said...

I'm sorry but that Bunny freaks me out. Love the dress though!