Saturday, January 1, 2011

Sierra update!!!

So, I am a little behind on my posts!!!  Miss Sierra is almost five months old already!  She continues to be the happiest baby I have ever seen.  She's super social and loves to just smile and laugh at people.  She's also really inquisitive and loves to touch and, of course, attempt to eat everything.  She is eating some solids now and we learned she loves veggies way more than fruit.  I am sure that will change.  She continues to be such a little ray of sunshine.  She went through a few weeks of a strain of nasty viruses, which earned her the first ER visit and a few DR visits.  Of course, she still smiled at everyone.  She did have her bouts of crying though, so I could tell she was not feeling well.  She's not quite the sleeper Alana was, so we still have a few wake up calls during the night.  She's slept through the night on a few occasions, so now we are just trying to tweak her schedule and get her sleeping more every night!!!

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