Saturday, May 14, 2011

Alana update!

Hard to believe this big girl is already 3 and a half.  Though, most days it seems like she is 3 going on 13.  She's certainly got some spunk in her and she is quick as a whip.  Absolutely nothing gets by her!!!  She loves to learn and is a little techy.  She loves Mommy's "big ipod" (aka the ipad).  She is working on writing her letters and she is getting really good!  She is an awesome big sister, and really does help out with Sierra.  We still have to watch her getting rough with Sierra, but she's getting better.  She's also been trying new foods, which I am thrilled about.  She will at least try things once, which is all I ask.  She's still in preschool, now in the big kid class.  I think she is going to do a camp this summer, too.  We are always looking for things to keep her challenged, since she loves to learn and explore new things.  I love the pic below.  It's not often I get a full smile while she's looking at the camera!

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