Sunday, July 31, 2011

Almost 1!!!

Clearly I am a little behind on my blogging!  We are T-2 days until Sierra's first birthday!  Hard to believe my baby girl turns 1 on Tuesday!!!!  Wow, these last few months have brought a ton of changes!!  She now has 3 teeth that have broken through, with a 4th close behind.  She is officially a walker as of about 2 weeks ago.  I love the wobbly walk she has!  I forgot how 1 year olds get into EVERYTHING!  She is quick and without a doubt into something if you give her the chance.  Sierra is so smiley and happy, though she has started to show a bit of a temper, especially if Alana tries to take something from her.  The other day, they had a screaming match.  It was like a preview of things to come!  

Sierra is still such a peanut.  I'll get her official one year stats at her appt next week, but I'd be surprised if she's over 17 pounds.  She is no where near moving out of 6-12 month clothes, which actually works out well with the seasons Alana was in at her age.  

Big Minnie Mouse birthday bash this weekend!!!  I'll be sure to post pics!!

1 comment:

Chris and Sonya said...

Where are the birthday pics?!!