Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Weekend with the Seidls

This weekend we hopped a plane and headed up for a very quick weekend with the Seidl gang. Alana was great on the plane, especially the ride home....thank goodness! We pretty much kicked back and braved eating out with the girls. We stuck to tradition and also hit up the local (and very close!) T. Bell...what would a Seidl / Pampel weekend be with no T Bell! We also went to this really amazing duck pond! (haha, that's for Chris...I joke, I really did like the ducks, but the baby was HEAVY!)

Alana had a blast and LOVED meeting Summer, SeSe and Kobe. Summer and SeSe were great hostesses and I couldn't believe what big girls they have become! I think I can FINALLY tell them apart, too! Thanks again to Sonya, Chris, Summer, SeSe & (especially) Kobe for a great weekend!

Our best attempt at a pic of the 3...Alana was a bit noncompliant.
Son, I know you don't like the hair, but I LOVE this pic of Summy...what a cute smile!

Alana lounging on the plane

SeSe and Alana look like they are dancing!
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