Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It's Been A Long Time!

So I doubt I really have a valid excuse except being busy and technical issues with getting pictures, but those are solved and I am back to blogging. Lots has happened since Alana turned 2! We went to San Diego right after thanksgiving and had a blast. Sea World is the best. The holidays were great and Alana loved all the presents.

She's talking up a storm and she is SO expressive. I LOVE how she talks with her hands all the time. Some of her favorite phrases are "I fine, you're welcome" and "silly gooses." EVERYONE is a silly goose. She still loves Elmo and Mickey is now a best pal is well. Grandma got her obsessed with Snow White at her birthday, and recently got her hooked on Sleeping Beauty. Speaking of Disney, I forgot we also took a trip to Disney in January. We had a blast, but it was COLD! FREEZING, actually!!!!

Here are a couple of recent pics and I will post some more to update since her birthday!!!!

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