Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fun days at home

Sadly, my maternity leave is coming to a quick end.  Though, happily, I am going back part time!!  Yea!  I am racing to find a nanny and hope to lock down a nanny in the next few days.  Alana and Sierra are doing great.  Alana is rapidly approaching 3 and sometimes it feels like she is going on 13!  She is full of spunk and energy.  She tells the greatest stories and completely talks with her hands, wonder where she gets that from!!!  She is a great big sister and tells Sierra she is her best friend all the time.  Sierra is a joy, too!  She is such a wonderful baby to be around.  She smiles all the time and does not really cry.  She is really patient with Alana and loves when Alana holds her or hugs her.  We are still working on her sleeping through the night.  She consistently wakes up at 4:45am....hopefully that ends soon.  Cross your fingers!  

Alana helping Daddy put ghosts up in the trees.

Our little smiley girl!

Alana LOVES being a big sister

Alana is so great to Sierra.  She sits with her and if she gets fussy, she asks for Sierra's pacifier.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

2 months already!

Hard to believe our little Sierra is already 2 months old!  At the same time, it feels like she has been around forever. She is just a wonderful little baby with the sweetest temperment.  She is really pretty chill.  She loves to hang in the swing, or just sit staring at whomever is holding her.  She has been super smiley starting a few weeks ago.  She is still working on sleeping through the night, but she's the most pleasant company in the middle of the night.  I walk her in room to some mild yelping, and she just smiles and snuggles my neck and shoulder as soon as I pick her up.  She rarely gets totally fired up, she seems to be such a patient gal.  Alana calls her "Sissy" and I fear for her that this nickname may stick, since we all call her Sissy now too.
Alana tells her all the time that they are best friends and it is just the cutest.  I have a feeling as time goes on, they will be.  Sierra already loves to watch Alana and they play together all the time.  She looks SO much like Alana and it will be so interesting to see her as she gets bigger.  

For being so smiley, I have gotten SO few smiling pics!

She loves the fresh air!!!!  

She totally has curly hair when it's wet

Pumpkin patch time!

Classic "don't picture me" moment

Last weekend we went to the good ole CP pumpkin patch with Grandma, Aunt Jen and the boys.  We made the unwise choice of going right around when Alana would be ready for a nap, so things were a bit hairy at times!  We had a great time, though.  It was crazy hot out, so we were happily able to convince Dot that the hay ride was a bad idea.  Sierra basically slept the whole time, such a compliant gal she is.  Alana loved feeding the goats.  I am not one for petting zoos, etc, so she does not get many opportunities for this.  Hopefully she still grows up well rounded!  :)  She loved feeding the animals and was cracking up the whole time.  She also got to do a pony ride and explore the corn maze.  Overall, a great day.  I think Saturday will be our big pumpkin carving event!!  Stay tuned for pics.


My little sleepy gal.

Lovin the pony ride.

Hollywood Alana

Enjoying our QT at home!

Hard to believe it is already October when the weather has been so nice!!!  We have definitely been enjoying every second.  We try to get outside as much as we can and I am SO proud of myself for being so adventurous!  Many days, Alana just wants to hang out around the house so she can play with Sierra. As you can see, she loves to hug and kiss her like crazy.  She's getting better and better at understanding how to be gentle.  Today I picked her up from preschool and she told her little buddies, Tomas & Rocco, how important it is to be gentle with babies.  At least I know she's listening, even if she doesn't always act gentle herself!!!