Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fun days at home

Sadly, my maternity leave is coming to a quick end.  Though, happily, I am going back part time!!  Yea!  I am racing to find a nanny and hope to lock down a nanny in the next few days.  Alana and Sierra are doing great.  Alana is rapidly approaching 3 and sometimes it feels like she is going on 13!  She is full of spunk and energy.  She tells the greatest stories and completely talks with her hands, wonder where she gets that from!!!  She is a great big sister and tells Sierra she is her best friend all the time.  Sierra is a joy, too!  She is such a wonderful baby to be around.  She smiles all the time and does not really cry.  She is really patient with Alana and loves when Alana holds her or hugs her.  We are still working on her sleeping through the night.  She consistently wakes up at 4:45am....hopefully that ends soon.  Cross your fingers!  

Alana helping Daddy put ghosts up in the trees.

Our little smiley girl!

Alana LOVES being a big sister

Alana is so great to Sierra.  She sits with her and if she gets fussy, she asks for Sierra's pacifier.

1 comment:

Sean and Sarah Galiher said...

Already? Wow. So glad you get to go back part-time though...hopefully we can get together soon!