Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pumpkin patch time!

Classic "don't picture me" moment

Last weekend we went to the good ole CP pumpkin patch with Grandma, Aunt Jen and the boys.  We made the unwise choice of going right around when Alana would be ready for a nap, so things were a bit hairy at times!  We had a great time, though.  It was crazy hot out, so we were happily able to convince Dot that the hay ride was a bad idea.  Sierra basically slept the whole time, such a compliant gal she is.  Alana loved feeding the goats.  I am not one for petting zoos, etc, so she does not get many opportunities for this.  Hopefully she still grows up well rounded!  :)  She loved feeding the animals and was cracking up the whole time.  She also got to do a pony ride and explore the corn maze.  Overall, a great day.  I think Saturday will be our big pumpkin carving event!!  Stay tuned for pics.


My little sleepy gal.

Lovin the pony ride.

Hollywood Alana

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