Saturday, January 1, 2011


I am a little behind on my posts, evidenced by our my post FINALLY for our trip to Minnesota in early December.  I have received several complaints, so my apologies for my hiatus.  I have, however, been working on both girls' scrap books and i am completely caught up and they are awesome.  I am almost real time scrapbooking now--i already did my NYE post!!!  Now that I am caught up (i was SERIOUSLY behind), hopefully I can stay on top of both.

We had an awesome trip up to MN to see my bff Sonya's new baby Scarlet and the Swanson clan.  We had a great trip, despite Mother Nature's best efforts to wreak havoc on our travels.  My mom went with me and the girls, thankfully, as I am not sure how I would have done it by myself.  I even gave her my first class upgraded seat as a thanks.  She did have to take Sierra, but hey, can't beat free wine.  We had a great time playing with the Swansons and Alana was particularly jazzed to hang out with Abbey and Alex.  We were snowed in one day and basically just played around Aunt Linda's house all day.  It was actually kind of nice to just lounge around!!!

Miss Scarlet is an absolute doll, too.  She is such a little peanut, too.  She's so chill and just sleeps with all the noise around her.  We laid her and Sierra next to one another and it was hilarious to see how much bigger Sierra looked!!!  I can't wait to see Scarlet again, soon.  She's already changing so much!!!  Alana was most excited to see Kai.  He's totally her little buddy and they played together pretty well.  She also loved playing with Summer and SeSe and talks about them ALL the time.  She asked me the other day who their favorite princesses are.  She also loves to talk about her Godmother, "Aunty Son" as she calls her.  It's pretty cute.  She keeps asking when we can go back.  Anytime after April, Alana.  

first flight and in first class.  what a life this kid has.

alana was SO jazzed to see son.  she still talks about her.

it was really cute to see alana & abbey together.  lots of love there.

lindsay loving on her goddaughter

 i found this really hilarious.  i think alana thinks kai is her long lost brother.  she really loves this boy.

these gals are exactly 3 months apart and were the exact same size at birth.  clearly mine has filled out!!!  alana said to sierra the other day, "sissy, you and scarlet can be best friends, too."  cute.  i'd like that.

me and scarlet, she is SUCH a cutie and chill baby.

the girls did not all really play together at first, but once they got comfortable, they were chasing each other on the couch.  alana still talks about it and can't wait to play with them again.  can't believe these gals are already 5!!!  

aunt linda & lindsay threw alana a surprise birthday party to celebrate since they couldn't make her party.  she was BEYOND excited and thrilled.  she's holding up her "3" candle.


Chris and Sonya said...

Wow, dost mine eyes deceive me? A post? Be still mine heart.

Anonymous said...

The Snowiest Place on the planet is in Washington State.