Monday, March 21, 2011

Big Girl Hair Cut

So Miss Alana is turning into such a big girl.  She was bumped up to "older preschool" and now she has a big girl hair do!  I asked for only an inch taken off, but I think it was more like 1.5 inches.  Her hair probably needed it, but man, she looks SO much older.  We seem to spend a lot of time lately trying to find her things to do that will challenge her.  She LOVES puzzles and continues to shock me with how quick she whips them together on her own.  We are well past the little kid puzzles and on to kindergartner age ones.  She is working on writing her name, mostly so that she can label that all of her things "Alana" (or "yana" as she pronounces it!), and not "Sierra."  She is still a great big sister and fawns over Sierra all the time.  She is actually a great helper with her, too.  Every so often, we still see the three year old in her when she tries to yank of Sierra's fingers.  I am sure that's just one of many battles to come!!

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