Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sierra at 7 months!


Having some technical difficulties, so I guess this post will be at the bottom!  Sierra is already 7 months old!  Wow, I really can't believe it.  She is seriously the happiest baby I have ever seen.  It's almost hilarious how happy she is.  It's like she is non-stop elated at the world.  She has definitely started a need for Mom, and if i am around her and she can see me, but I am not holding her, she'll start making some noise and kicking her legs.  She's also started saying "da da da da".  She actually has kind of a low voice, which is pretty funny.  She has gotten up on her knees a few times and seems SO close to crawling.  She'll kick her legs rapidly like she can't figure out why they won't work!  She's starting to put on some weight, too, so she's got more chubby rolls now.  Too cute!  She continues to be much more interested in food than bottles (total opposite of alana!) and is always trying to grab anything even close to her reach!  I think over the next month we will see both a tooth and some crawling!  Watch out alana!!!!

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