Monday, March 24, 2008

4 Month Update

Alana had her 4 month check up appointment with the Doctor on Friday. She is officially 24 inches and 14 pounds, 11 ounces. That puts her in the 50% percentile for height and 75% for weight. So I guess all my concerns about her not eating enough were unfounded. The Doctor made sure to reiterate that the 75% for weight meant she was heavier than 75% of all babies her age. Um, thanks. Like I could not figure that out on my own...She was NOT pleased when he put the stethoscope on her and pretty much screamed her head off. I think her short fuse has come roaring back. She is having shot flashbacks too and has had a few screaming attacks. Hopefully she thinks of more blissful memories soon and forgets about the shots!!!
The Doctor also suggested it was time for some cereal via spoon. We jumped right in and gave it a whirl on Friday. I, of course, pushed my luck and the first time we tried it, she was so hungry she started crying. After a quick 2 ounce bottle, she was ready for action and LOVED the cereal and enjoyed eating with a spoon.Things were pretty messy, but after a few tries, she is getting the hang of it.

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Easter, continued.

After lunch, we took a little stroll through the neighborhood since it was (relatively) nice out. Alana passed out in her stroller. She is so much happier now that we have a much better "city" stroller. (Walking around the neighborhood in her car seat & frame makes you realize just how bad city sidewalks are!) Hopefully we will get LOTS of use out of the jogging stroller this summer!

Like Father, Like Daughter. Passed out on the couch from all the excitement!
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Easter, continued

We had a fun Easter with my mom, Kristi & cousin Kayli. Unfortunately Jen and the kids could not make it because Nick was sick. Fortunate for us, she sent along her famous quiche. It was delicious! We had a pretty low-key day. Drank some champagne, ate and just hung out.

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Easter Celebration!

Alana sported a pleated white and navy dress for Easter. I just LOVED this dress. She also had a cute little navy cardigan, but she was too hot, so we went with just the dress for the photo shoot.

Look at those thighs!
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Still No Love for Tummy Time

So despite her hatred, we are still working on keeping her on her stomach for "tummy time." She absolutely hates it and lasts about all of 1 minute. She loves to sit and stand, though.
Here is how "tummy time" normally goes.

We prop her arms underneath her, but she flings them out to the side.

One more time--let's try putting her arms back underneath her.

She is MAD! She does a face plant and cries.

Then we feel terrible! So we let her stand up--she is MUCH happier!
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Getting in the Easter Spirit

Alana was lying on the floor with her bunny while we were watching Season 3 of 90210 (or season 4?).
Anyway, Alana was babbling like crazy to her bunny. She is quite the talker nowadays. Her noises are sounding more & more girlie and high pitched. Maybe she was telling her bunny what she wants for Easter?
I think they kind of look like drinking buddies!

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thumb Sucker

After months of trying, it looks like Alana has finally gotten the hang of sucking her thumb. She still sucks on her entire fist from time to time and throws in her fingers sometimes, but it looks like the thumb is her new pacifier. As a reformed thumb-sucker at the ripe age of 5 (or was it 6?), hopefully thumb sucking will give her years of pleasure.

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Who Does Alana Look Like?

I am still on the fence as to whether Alana looks more like Erik or me.
What do you think???

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Friday, March 14, 2008

Toy Story

Since I am totally addicted to blogging, thought I would also post these photos of Alana and her favorite toys. Her hair is getting so long too, I think we need the clips now to keep the hair out of her eyes!!!!

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Alana Hearts The Bumbo

Thank you Becky Zacarias for introducing us to The Bumbo Chair. Alana loves to sit up (hates the tummy time...) so she is so happy to sit and lounge in this chair. It has totally helped strengthen her neck, so we are seeing less & less of the wobbly neck.

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Laugh Out Loud

I put Alana in the Jumperoo today so I could get some work done. She was pretty low-key for a while, just figuring out what all the toys do. She's also a tad short for the Jumperoo, so she was just kind of hanging out.
Out of nowhere, she had her first bout of serious laughter and it was HILARIOUS. She totally couldn't stop, either. She was laughing up a storm for like 20 minutes. Hopefully this is the first of many fits of laughter!!!

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