Wednesday, March 12, 2008

CA Getaway, part 1

After MONTHS of horrendous weather and little sunshine, we decided to skip town and take Alana on her first plane ride to CA! We took off at the end of January, and just managed to miss 2 major snowstorms. Thank heavens, I could not take anymore. Alana traveled like a pro, though we were pretty much total beginners trying to get through security. SO glad we left on a Saturday afternoon. We went to San Fran for a few days to visit some family and friends and check out all our fav places. Alana seemed to LOVE the sunshine and really came alive this week.

Her very first plane ride.

Snoozing with Aunt Rennie.

I think this is the first time she is actually seeing the sunshine.

Future Engineer?

PS: So, I can't seem to figure out how to post more than 4 pics directly from Picasa! Any tips?
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