Monday, March 24, 2008

4 Month Update

Alana had her 4 month check up appointment with the Doctor on Friday. She is officially 24 inches and 14 pounds, 11 ounces. That puts her in the 50% percentile for height and 75% for weight. So I guess all my concerns about her not eating enough were unfounded. The Doctor made sure to reiterate that the 75% for weight meant she was heavier than 75% of all babies her age. Um, thanks. Like I could not figure that out on my own...She was NOT pleased when he put the stethoscope on her and pretty much screamed her head off. I think her short fuse has come roaring back. She is having shot flashbacks too and has had a few screaming attacks. Hopefully she thinks of more blissful memories soon and forgets about the shots!!!
The Doctor also suggested it was time for some cereal via spoon. We jumped right in and gave it a whirl on Friday. I, of course, pushed my luck and the first time we tried it, she was so hungry she started crying. After a quick 2 ounce bottle, she was ready for action and LOVED the cereal and enjoyed eating with a spoon.Things were pretty messy, but after a few tries, she is getting the hang of it.

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1 comment:

Chris and Sonya said...

Hey. It has been a month. Give me new pics of my goddaughter already.