Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th of July!!!

We spent 4th of July weekend out in CP with Grandma & Papa and Aunt Jen and the boys. We went to the CP annual 4th of July parade which was surprisingly trimmed down to only 2.5 hours. Both Jen and I remember it being more like 4 hours when we were growing up. Alana boycotted her nap and despite that, LOVED the parade. She got a little tired, but she was a trooper. Aunt Jen scored us great seats in the shade, though Alana spent most of the parade either on Erik's shoulders or on the street with him getting candy and other goods. She loved that part. Too bad most of the candy can't be eaten by her, but I am sure Erik will take on that task. She was not scared one bit of the loud sirens or the fake gunshots (welcome to Indiana). We went back to Grandma's where Alana did we, and then had a barbeque. The fireworks were NOT a big hit with her, so I was glad we did not trek out for the big display and instead watched Erik, Tyler, Nick & Calvin give us the Willy Works display.

She looks like she is crying, but she is laughing hysterically at the soliders and yelling "Don't Shoot". They had the LOUDEST guns, but she thought it was funny.

Calvin & Nick getting into the parade zone!

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